Welcome to the Carlisle Interconnect Technologies (CarlisleIT) Flexible Microwave Cable Assemblies Webstore.
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UTiFLEX Assemblies
For any application from high performance flexible interconnects for microwave systems to rugged everyday test leads,
UTiFLEX flexible microwave cables manufactured by CarlisleIT are an excellent choice. UTiFLEX assemblies are custom
built and are all supplied with individual test certificates. Several armoring options, a large variety of connector
choices and the lightest weight microwave cable option in the industry complete this versatile product line.
All UTiFLEX assemblies are constructed from a low or ultra low density PTFE dielectric coupled with fully shielded
outer conductors which together offer excellent loss characteristics, outstanding phase stability, and unsurpassed
flexibility compared to standard flexible cables - all without sacrificing mechanical integrity. Additionally,
CarlisleIT has greatly increased connector reliability through a unique patented connector attachment that withstands
mechanical and thermal stresses far better than standard connectors can.
Extremely low loss, very phase stable and fully flexible, UTiFLEX blends many of the best traits of other coaxial types
into a robust and highly-reliable package.
- Available for domestic shipment only.
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Our product selector is an easy-to-use guide that will step you through the process
of building a cable assembly. This is a great way to learn more about flexible cable
and connectors. To begin, just click on one of the links below.
Thermal vacuum testing is a risk mitigation strategy utilized in some high-rel applications, notably space equipment such as satellites. CarlisleIT TVAC test cables are thermal vacuum compatible for use in or into TVAC chambers. These cables are produced to exacting space grade standards utilizing low-outgassing materials and vented connectors.
Generally, connectors are selected first, because you probably know what you must
connect to. However, you may also start with cable if insertion loss or other
characteristics are more important to you than a specific connector series.
When selected, all cables of the same configuration will be absolute phase matched to +/-0.5 degrees per GHz at the maximum rated frequency. Many other phase matching options are available by contacting CarlisleIT directly.
When selected, cables will be fully compliant with material requirements of RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances directive), specifically using lead-free solder.